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Star Fort

My time at Star Fort games was a extremely valuable step in my Career. I had the opportunity to work alongside a great deal of talented co-workers who were as eager as I was to collaborate on large scale game projects.

Initially I was hired as an Associate Level Designer, but even from my first weeks at the company I was aiding in high level concepts and extensive planning for our projects.

Within 7 Months I was promoted to Intermediate Level Designer and continued to have high level work assigned to me.

My full list of duties included:

  • Paper planning and level pitches

  • Graybox layouts and iteration based on feedback and increased design scope

  • Design documentation and feature pitching

  • Iterative level feedback and collaboration from early stages to fully polished levels

  • Environmental detailing and art asset pitches from art department

  • Mechanic implementation and design

  • QA and playtesting, collaboration with QA department and fixing bugs/discovered issues

  • Collaboration with other departments on various features and designs

  • Delegating tasks to other Level Designers as well as employees in other departments

My portfolio examples can be found at the following link. These are examples from a project I worked at while at Star Fort, which I have been given permission to share under password protection and with strict confidence to employers I share it with. If you are looking to view this work and a password has not been provided, please email me and I will provide you the password.

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